Registration Process
Entering the Spark Awards is easy—it begins with a thorough reading of the Call For Entry section, which you have probably already done! Then, you’ll find yourself here, for a last bit of chat. When you click on the ENTER NOW button, you’ll go to the community signup page. Here you’ll put in your email contact address, choose a password and proceed to the MY PROFILE page, to add some simple details about you and your organization. The registration process is quick and easy.
On the first screen, you’ll see the words “Need To Register” on the right side of the page. Put in your email address and a strong password (please write it down and put in a secure place). When you click on the registration link, your browser opens at your Profile registration information form. Fill in the required information.
Upon successful completion of the form, you’ll reach the Spark “My Submissions” Welcome page. There you may choose any of the open competitions in the list and proceed to enter your design details and fees. Please note—if you have multiple entries, great! We can make your fee payment easier with a single payment. Just save your entries as “draft” and let us know. We’ll send you a single Paypal invoice for the total. See, it’s easy!
Questions? Send us a note at and—IMPORTANT—make sure to include: your name; your school or organization; the name of your design and your question.