I modified our entry pdf file to a .jpg for uploading. However, I would like to keep the other two images as .pdf files. Is this a problem? Jessie Canon2019-07-15T14:26:19-04:00July 15th, 2019|What to Enter?| Read More
I would like to send you also my project documentation (pdf format with about 100 pages – 34 MB ). Is it possible? Jessie Canon2019-07-15T14:25:48-04:00July 15th, 2019|What to Enter?| Read More
I am entering in another design competition around the same time as this competition. Can I enter a product in the Spark Awards that I am also entering in another competition? Jessie Canon2019-07-15T14:25:26-04:00July 15th, 2019|What to Enter?| Read More
Is the write-up description that we supplied during the submission process available to the judges to read during the judging process? Jessie Canon2019-07-15T14:25:06-04:00July 15th, 2019|What to Enter?| Read More
Dear Spark– we would like to include a video in our submission. How should we proceed? Jessie Canon2019-07-15T14:24:41-04:00July 15th, 2019|What to Enter?| Read More