(You may also verify your entry in the Spark Gallery
in the relevant competition category.)

Design Name– Competition– Organization
After Rain Comes Fall/Winter Student Korea Design Membership +
Akdongz Fall/Winter Student Sookmyung Women’s University
Akraic Mosaic Fall/Winter Student LUNA Art and Technology
Alienware Pro Peripherals Packaging Package Dell Technologies
ALL-IN-ONE INDUCTION Fall/Winter Student Chosun University
Alto Fall/Winter Student Kangwon National University
Anywhere Green Card by Barocard Graphic BC Card / CXTF
Ashbery Product Landscape Forms
Banban‘s Smart Reading Pen Product Zebra Education Group (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Bobby, Reading Buddy Product Self project
BoiHood Graphic Hongik University
Breez Digital Augustina (Ao) Liu & Sijia Li
Caire Fall/Winter Student KDM+
Camouflage Fall/Winter Student Orange Cube Art
CareCompass Digital Liujun Du
Cat’s tail Fall/Winter Student Orange Cube Art
CDO Brand Identity Refresh Graphic PINO Studio
Celestial Sojourn : Icarus Unleashed Fall/Winter Student Orange Cube Art
Charm Fall/Winter Student Junbuk national UNIV
Cheetos Cheesy Verse 2024 Experience PepsiCo
Chongzhou YANHUA POND Restoration Space DOVDESIGN
Cling Fall/Winter Student Hanyang University ERICA
CMF Sample Kit Product Intops Co., Ltd.
Coevolve – Human-Robot Interaction Concept Pro Card79
Constellar Fall/Winter Student University of Seoul
Cooper Kettle Chips Redesign 2024 Package PepsiCo
Corelite Vaulta Linear Product Cooper Lighting Solutions
Crabee Fall/Winter Student Ming Chi University of Technology
da Vinci 5 Surgical System Health Intuitive
DOOROOM Fall/Winter Student Korea Design Membership+
Doritos x Empirical Nacho Cheese Spirit Concept Pro PepsiCo
EASEBOT – A Choice for Relaxing Evening Fall/Winter Student KYONGGI UNIVERSITY
Easy Wash Fall/Winter Student Ming Chi University of Technology
EDNA Space EPOCH Salon
Empowering Health for Every Woman Digital QIMU Design
Empowering Health for Every Woman Experience QIMU Design
Every Day Chair Product Landscape Forms
FabulAI Product Su He &Jingya Chen
fashion carotid scan pro Fall/Winter Student Hyupsung University
Feel Book Fall/Winter Student Hanbat National/Hongik University
FitPal Digital FitPal Studio
FLARE (Freedom, Lift, Agility, Racing, Empowerment) Fall/Winter Student Inha University
Flash Card Reader Product Zebra Education Group (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
FlexiVent Fall/Winter Student Orange Cube Art
FOCUS OWN Fall/Winter Student Incheon National University
Forging seamless connections Experience Individual
Four Typologies Digital Qihang Fan
Frito Lay Super Bowl Compostable Bags Package PepsiCo
Fry Cradle Fall/Winter Student National Taipei University of Education
Gatorade 5v5 Visual Identity Redesign 2023 Experience PepsiCo
Gatorade Athlete Welcome Influencer Kit Package PepsiCo
Gatorade Dream Court Guizhou Space PepsiCo
guardog Fall/Winter Student keimyung university
GVA Forklift Fall/Winter Student Hanbat National University
H&abyz Gen2 Detector Health GODESIGN
H&abyz HnX-1 Portable X-Ray Health GODESIGN
H2Oloop Fall/Winter Student Ming Chi University of Technology
Haerty Fall/Winter Student Ming Chi University of Technology
HALF 911 Fall/Winter Student Hongik University
Harlemroot center Fall/Winter Student LUNA Art and Technology
Harvest Product Landscape Forms
HexaBarn Fall/Winter Student Orange Cube Art
Infinity Drone Fall/Winter Student ArtCenter College of Design
juliArt Space MacroHi Ltd.
Kindi Fall/Winter Student Keimyung University
KitchenAid Damascus Knives and Block Product Whirlpool Corporation
K-PASS Card by Barocard Graphic BC Card / CXTF
Kuvings Commercial Juicer M51A Product NUC Electronics Co., Ltd.
Kuvings HB850 Product NUC Electronics Co., Ltd.
Kuvings Mini Juicer 5 Product NUC Electronics Co., Ltd.
Kuvings Personal Juicer 8 Product NUC Electronics Co., Ltd.
Kuvings Small Magnet Blender Product NUC Electronics Co., Ltd.
Kuvings Square Juicer Product NUC Electronics Co., Ltd.
Ledalite BloomBox Product Signify
Lens Concept Pro Sara & Wenyu
Lens Experience Sara & Wenyu
Lens Product Sara & Wenyu
Lightolier Crown Series Small Track Product Signify
Lightolier Riverstone Product Signify
Litt Fall/Winter Student Hongik University
Lombriz Nadando – Wastewater Treatment Fall/Winter Student Imperial College/Royal College of Art
Lucid Harmony Fall/Winter Student Academy of Art University
Luminar Halo Transport Luminar Technologies
M Lab Concept Pro Sara & Wenyu
M Lab Experience Sara & Wenyu
MACAO Card by Barocard Graphic BC Card / CXTF
Markforged FX10: Industrial 3D Printing Product PA Consulting and Markforged
Mirai Product Natuzzi SpA
mirror display Fall/Winter Student hanseo univ.
MNEMO SYNC Fall/Winter Student LUNA Art and Technology
MORY – MCI Care Service UI Digital Chonnam National University / Index.Lab
Mountain Dew Dew Tour Experience PepsiCo
Nanjing Phoenix Zijin Hexu Mansion Space AROCK
NatureConnect skylight Product Signify
NeoRay Covera Product Cooper Lighting Solutions
NETFLIX PLAYER Fall/Winter Student Hanseo Univ.
Northport Collection Product Landscape Forms
Nosy Hair Space Nosy Hair Studio
OiT – One in Thousands Experience Yunsheng Zhu
Outline Product Landscape Forms
OVAL Fall/Winter Student Hongik University
OXO POP Containers Product OXO
Pascal Bookstore Brand Design Graphic Offset Path Studio
Pepsi 125 Diner Space PepsiCo
Pepsi Global Redesign Graphic PepsiCo
Pepsi Global Redesign Package PepsiCo
Philips Hue Go portable table lamp Product Signify
Philips Hue Lightguide bulb ellipse Product Signify
Philips Hue Secure Digital Signify
Philips Hue Secure contact sensor Product Signify
Philips Hue Secure wired camera Product Signfiy
Plains & Pods Product Landscape Forms
Polli – Point Fall/Winter Student Konkuk University
POSCO Changeup Ground Pop-up Leaflet Graphic INJUNG Communications
Puffi Fall/Winter Student Kumoh National Institute of Technology
Scoot Safe Graphic DIN
Sentante – Surgical Robot Product Card79
Shanghai Huaihai Urban Renewal Space Shanghai JOIN Architectural Design
Sharevista Fall/Winter Student Orange Cube Art
SheSaying Graphic SheSaying Podcast
SHOONG Fall/Winter Student Korea Design Membership +
Slide display Fall/Winter Student hanseo univ.
Smart dining table Fall/Winter Student Hanseo Univ.
Smart Display Sink Fall/Winter Student Hanseo Univ.
Solar Cell Battery-Free Computer Mouse Product Ambient Photonics
Solar Powered Smart Home Sensor Suite Product Ambient Photonics
Space Control Fall/Winter Student Orange Cube Art
Sphinx Church Fall/Winter Student University of The West of England
Starry Taitung Experience Taitung County Government
Starry Visual Identity Graphic PepsiCo
Stepilter Fall/Winter Student Korea Design Membership Plus
Symphony of Borneo Fall/Winter Student Raffles College of Higher Education
The Halo Wearable Device Product Card79
The Subscape Fall/Winter Student Orange Cube Art
THRONE X – All-in-One Musicians Throne Product COOLER MASTER TECHNOLOGY INC.
Tlant Fall/Winter Student Korea Design Membership Plus
Touch Table Fall/Winter Student Hanseo Univ.
Towing Doing Fall/Winter Student Hanseo Univ.
Turning port Fall/Winter Student Hanseo Univ.
TUTORO Fall/Winter Student Hongik University
Type Something For Me Graphic G Axis Press
VBS Barricade System Fall/Winter Student Hongik University
Vermillion Fall/Winter Student Hanseo Univ.
Vita Fall/Winter Student Hongik University
Voyanix Fall/Winter Student KDM+
Vuse Go Reload™ 1000 Pen Product British American Tobacco
Warming Rub Fall/Winter Student Incheon National University
Wello Fall/Winter Student Hongik University
Whirl – Green Energy Generator Fall/Winter Student Ming Chi University of Technology
WildCare Fall/Winter Student Hanyang University ERICA
WisdomPlan Digital WisdomPlan Inc.
WWW Fall/Winter Student Ming Chi University of Technology
YumYum Visual Identity Rdesign Graphic PepsiCo
Zildjian ALCHEM-E® Headphones Product PA Consulting and Zildjian